What do you offer?
Lusciously love-filled, abundantly authentic and quite quirky humanist wedding ceremonies for fun-spirited and fabulous couples that want to create a commitment free of convention, religion or formalities. Choose queer affirming celebrant: Gitte, indefinitely inspired and fiercely feminist.
Why do you want to work with the LGBTQ+ community?
I want to continue to work the with LGBTQ+ community to help and support anyone to be able have a wedding that is considering and aligned with their lived and emotional experience. I hope to make whatever little difference I can in co-creating all-inclusive, all-welcome gatherings of celebration of unique commitments and love stories for all lovers.
I try to be as queer affirming as I can know and can be - and always take opportunities to educate myself further, online and offline through real people in my life.
That means;
I use pronouns that the person uses, and if I don't know I will ask (gently and kindly)
I support/sign petitions to improve conditions for LGBTQ+ community, both locally and worldwide
I include queer affirming language on my website and all materials, including specific section on my website to explain what that means when working with me
I will seek to speak up for LGBTQ+ community when I have opportunity
I use my business social media accounts to champion, support and speak up for LGBTQ+ community
I do not knowingly work with people that are not supportive of LGBTQ+ community and will tell them so and why, if approached.
I intentionally follow accounts that speak up for and educate on LGBTQ+ communities to help me stay educated and aware
In my previous work as college teacher I have supported individual trans and other LGBTQ+ teenagers to ensure a safe space in education, when they sometimes did not have that safe space at home or other spaces, including using their chosen name in class and on reports etc. although college administration did not allow change of name. I am continuing this practice when I can.
I have adopted the core values as set out in 'LGBTQ Equality Weddings' guide to inclusivity and work to make these visible in my work (and life).
don't forget to let me know that you found me on Rebel Love Directory!